Pension Expense (both GAAP & IFRS) for the Income Statement


Pension Expense = increase in the DBO/PBO during the accounting period.

5 Components of Company Pension Expense

  1. Current Service Cost = amount by which a company’s defined benefit obligation increases as a result of employee service during the accounting period.  The current service cost is fully and immediately recognized for the accounting period.
  2. Interest Cost (same as the discount rate discussed later) = amount by which a company’s existing defined benefit obligation increases as a result of the passage of time.  The interest cost is fully and immediately recognized for the accounting period.
  3. Return on Plan Assets = amount of returns generated by plan assets during the accounting period.  Typically, companies apply EXPECTED return on plan assets when calculating pension expense.  Long-term expected return will better reflect the plan’s investment strategy and reduce year to year volatility in the pension expense.  The use of expected returns is allowed by GAAP and IFRS.  Since this is an asset return, the return on plan assets component acts as a contra expense, offsetting other costs.
  4. Amortization of Past Service Cost = the difference in the DBO after a plan amendment has been adopted and the DBO before the plan amendment.  The plan amendment could reduce costs, creating a benefit that reduces the pension expense.
  • GAAP: this is recorded as a direct to equity adjustment outside of net income, as part of other comprehensive income for the accounting period in which the amendment took place.  A periodic past service cost expense is then amortized to the pension expense over the remaining service lives of the employees covered by the amendment.
  • IFRS: if the amendment affects any vested obligations, then the vested percentage of the past service cost is incorporated into the pension expense for the accounting period of the amendment and the remaining past service cost for unvested obligations is amortized to future pension expense calculations over the course of the related vesting period.
  1. Amortization of Actuarial Gains and Losses.
  • Actuarial gains and losses arise from:

  • Differences between expected plan returns and actual plan returns (see #2 of 5); and

  • Changes in actuarial assumptions that impact the current service cost (see #1 of 5). Examples: employee life expectancy, salary growth forecasts, interest cost component assumptions, retirement dates, etc.

  • GAAP: actuarial gains and losses are recognized as part of other comprehensive income during the period of gain or loss, on the company’s statement of changes in shareholder’s equity.

  • IFRS: actuarial gains and losses do not flow to equity, but are applied to assets or liabilities and are incorporated in the calculation of a net asset or liability on the balance sheet.  A net pension asset is reported as pre-paid pension expense; a net liability is accrued pension expense.

  • 10% Amortization Expense “Rule” – companies will not begin to incorporate an amortization gain/loss into its calculation of pension expense until the gain/loss from asset return differences or the benefit/cost from changes to the plan exceeds the greater of 10% of the value of plan assets or 10% of the DBO.

CFA Level 2: Financial Reporting Part 2 – Introduction
Intercorporate Investments Accounting - Ownership Categories
Minority Passive Investments – Accounting Classes
Minority Active Investments and the Equity Method for Financial Reporting
Joint Venture Investments
Controlling Interest Investments: Accounting for Business Combinations
Purchase Method of Accounting for Controlling Interest Investments or Acquisitions
Pooling of Interests Method to Account for Controlling Interest Investments
Purchase Method vs. Pooling of Interest Method
Acquisition Method to Account for Controlling Interest Investments
GAAP Purchase Method, IFRS Purchase Method, and GAAP Acquisition Method Accounting
Variable Interest Entities (VIEs) and Special Purpose Entities (SPEs)
Defined Benefits Plans vs. Defined Contribution Plans
Measuring the Defined Benefit Obligation
Pension Expense (both GAAP & IFRS) for the Income Statement
Defined Benefit Plans & the Company Balance Sheet
The Role of Actuarial Assumptions in DB Plan Accounting
Economic Pension Expense
Pensions and the Statement of Cash Flows
Accounting for Stock (or Share) Based Compensation
Financial Statement Consolidation of Multinational Operations
Consolidation: Presentation Currency vs. Functional Currency vs. Local Currency
Foreign Currency Translation
Temporal Method for Translation of Foreign Statements
Current Rate Method for Translation of Foreign Statements
Consolidating Financial Statements: Determining the Functional Currency
Translation Methods and Financial Statement Effects
Accounting for Subsidiaries in Hyperinflationary Economies
CFA Level 2: Financial Reporting 2 - Recommendations
MBS Weighted Average Life