
GAAP Purchase Method, IFRS Purchase Method, and GAAP Acquisition Method Accounting

The table below summarizes some differences between GAAP Purchase Method, IFRS Purchase Method, and GAAP Acquisition Method accounting.

Purchase PriceCash Paid + fair value of other considerations + direct costsSame as GAAP Purchase Method.Cash Paid + fair value of other considerations.
Fair Value of SubsidiaryWhen parent acquires less than 100%, the amount of fair value over book value is recognized in proportion to the parent's ownership.Consolidated balance sheet recognizes the full amount of the fair value in excess of the acquired company's book value (note this difference from GAAP).Same as IFRS Purchase Method.
Subsidiary Contingent LiabilitiesRecognized on the sale date at fair value.Same as GAAP Purchase Method.Same as GAAP Purchase Method.
Subsidiary In-Process R&DRecognized on the sale date at fair value, as part of the subsidiary's net assets, then expensed.Recognized on the sale date at fair value as part of the subsidiary's net assets; reported on the consolidated balance sheet as an intangible asset.Same as IFRS Purchase Method.
Minority InterestBased on subsidiary's book value of net assets owned by minority shareholders.

Appears between debt and equity on the consolidated balance sheet. | Either:

1) Subsidiary's fair value of net assets owned by minority shareholders, which creates partial goodwill.

2) Subsidiary's full fair value, applied to percent ownership by minority shareholders, which creates full goodwill.Appears under equity section on the consolidated balance sheet. | Subsidiary's full fair value, applied to percent ownership by minority shareholders, which creates full goodwill.

Appears under equity section on the consolidated balance sheet. |

NOTE: This table helps to highlight how the Acquisition Method in the US is more aligned with the IFRS Purchase Method.

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