Foreign Exchange Floating Rate Systems

  • In a floating rate exchange system, a supply and demand relationship exists between the price of currency Y against currency X and the quantity available of currency Y.
  • Moving along the currency demand curve (or changes in quantity demanded):
    • Exports Effect – citizens of country X do not demand currency Y, rather they demand goods and services from country Y.  If currency Y is valued low, then citizens of country X will buy cheap goods and services from Y.  This will require X to accumulate more Y currency, driving up its price.  This relationship shows how demand for foreign currency is a derived demand.
  • Expected Profit Effect – as the price of currency Y drops relative to currency X, the potential profit from owning currency Y in anticipation of a rebound becomes higher.  This is the basic law of demand, in that currency investors may buy more of currency Y as it becomes cheaper if they expect that prices will later rise.
  • Moving along the currency supply curve (or changes in quantity supplied):
    • Imports Effect – As currency Y appreciates relative to X, residents of country Y will want to import more goods from country X and to do so they will need to supply increasing quantities of their currency to buy goods from country X.
    • Expected Profit Effect – As currency Y appreciates relative to X, its profit potential diminishes and currency market participants will look to sell; this is the opposing force of the expected profit effect on the demand side.
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