- Pandas - Install Python and Pandas
- Basic Data Structures in Pandas
- Loading and Saving Data using Pandas
- Exploring Data using pandas
- Correlation Analysis using pandas
- Handling Categorical Data and Unique Values using pandas
- Data Visualization using pandas
- Handling Missing Data in Python
- Strategies for Handling Missing Data
- Handling Missing Data - Example - Part 1
- Handling Missing Data - Example - Part 2
- Handling Missing Data - Example - Part 3 (Non-numeric Values)
- Handling Missing Data - Example - Part 4
- Data Transformation and Feature Engineering
- Converting Data Types in Python pandas
- Encoding Categorical Data in Python pandas
- Handling Date and Time Data in Python pandas
- Renaming Columns in Python pandas
- Filtering Rows in a DataFrame in Python
- Merging and Joining Datasets in Python pandas
- Sorting and Indexing Data for Efficient Analysis in Python
Data Transformation and Feature Engineering
In this section, we will focus on transforming and refining our data for better analysis and modeling. This process involves techniques like scaling, encoding, and feature engineering, essential for preparing our dataset for the next steps.
Normalizing and Scaling Data
Normalization and scaling adjust the scales of your features to a uniform range. This is important in datasets where feature scales vary significantly.
Min-Max Scaling: This rescales data to a range, typically between 0 and 1. For example, in a dataset with features like 'Salary' (ranging from thousands to tens of thousands) and 'Years of Experience' (ranging from 1 to 30), Min-Max Scaling ensures they contribute equally to the analysis.
Standardization: This involves scaling data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. It's useful in datasets where features have different units, like a dataset containing both temperature in Celsius and rainfall in millimeters.
Encoding Categorical Data
Many models require numerical input, so categorical data need to be converted into a numerical format.
One-Hot Encoding: This creates new columns for each level of a categorical feature. In a dataset with a 'Color' feature having values like 'Red', 'Blue', 'Green', one-hot encoding creates three columns: 'Color_Red', 'Color_Blue', 'Color_Green'.
Label Encoding: This assigns each unique category a numerical value. It’s more efficient than one-hot encoding but should be used when the categorical values have a natural order.
Converting Data Types
Correct data types are crucial for efficient processing and analysis. For example, converting a 'Date' column from string to DateTime format in Pandas allows for more efficient manipulation and extraction of year, month, or day components.
Handling Date and Time Data
Date and time data often require special handling to extract meaningful insights.
Techniques include extracting components like 'Year', 'Month', 'Day', and creating features like 'Age' from a 'Birthdate' column. In a sales dataset, extracting 'Day of the Week' from 'Sale Date' might reveal weekly sales patterns.
Feature Engineering
Feature engineering involves creating new features from existing ones to improve model performance. For instance, from a 'Total Purchase Amount' and 'Number of Purchases' columns, you can engineer an 'Average Purchase Value' feature, which might be more informative for certain analyses.
Binning involves grouping continuous variables into categories. For example, in a dataset with 'Age', you might create bins like '0-20', '21-40', etc. This simplifies the data and can reveal trends not visible in granular data.
Dealing with Text Data
Text data often requires preprocessing to be useful in analysis. Basic steps include tokenization (breaking text into words or tokens) and vectorization (converting text to a numerical format). In a customer feedback dataset, you might convert feedback text into a numerical format for sentiment analysis.
Data Reduction Techniques
Data reduction techniques, like PCA, reduce the number of features while retaining essential information.
In a dataset with many correlated features, PCA can help reduce dimensionality, simplifying the model without losing significant information.
Data transformation and feature engineering are critical steps in preparing your dataset for analysis or modeling. These techniques help in standardizing, simplifying, and enriching your data, making it more suitable for the analytical tasks ahead. The key is to understand your dataset and apply these techniques judiciously to extract maximum value from your data.
We will now learn how to apply some of these techniques using pandas. We will use the same loan dataset that we’ve been working on.
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