Random Forest Model in R
Now, we will tune RandomForest model. Like SVM, we tune parameter based on 5% downsampling data. The procedure is exactly the same as for SVM model. Below we have reproduced the code for Random Forest model.
2#down sampling again so than we get more info when stacking
3samp = downSample(data_train[-getIndexsOfColumns(data_train, c( "loan_status") )],data_train$loan_status,yname="loan_status")
4#choose small data for tuning
5train_index_tuning = createDataPartition(samp$loan_status,p = 0.05,list=FALSE,times=1)
6#choose small data for re-train
7train_index_training = createDataPartition(samp$loan_status,p = 0.1,list=FALSE,times=1)
8rfGrid = expand.grid(
9 .mtry = as.integer(seq(2,ncol(samp), (ncol(samp) - 2)/4))
10 )
11#Install random forest package
13rfTuned = train(
14 samp[train_index_tuning,-getIndexsOfColumns(samp,"loan_status")],
15 y = samp[train_index_tuning,"loan_status"],
16 method = "rf",
17 tuneGrid = rfGrid,
18 metric = "ROC",
19 trControl = ctrl,
20 preProcess = NULL,
21 ntree = 100
22 )
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