- Credit Risk Modelling - Case Studies
- Classification vs. Regression Models
- Case Study - German Credit - Steps to Build a Predictive Model
- Import Credit Data Set in R
- German Credit Data : Data Preprocessing and Feature Selection in R
- Credit Modelling: Training and Test Data Sets
- Build the Predictive Model
- Logistic Regression Model in R
- Measure Model Performance in R Using ROCR Package
- Create a Confusion Matrix in R
- Credit Risk Modelling - Case Study- Lending Club Data
- Explore Loan Data in R - Loan Grade and Interest Rate
- Credit Risk Modelling - Required R Packages
- Loan Data - Training and Test Data Sets
- Data Cleaning in R - Part 1
- Data Cleaning in R - Part 2
- Data Cleaning in R - Part 3
- Data Cleaning in R - Part 5
- Remove Dimensions By Fitting Logistic Regression
- Create a Function and Prepare Test Data in R
- Building Credit Risk Model
- Credit Risk - Logistic Regression Model in R
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) Model in R
- Random Forest Model in R
- Extreme Gradient Boosting in R
- Predictive Modelling: Averaging Results from Multiple Models
- Predictive Modelling: Comparing Model Results
- How Insurance Companies Calculate Risk
Data Cleaning in R - Part 3
Default by States
We take a look at default rate for each state. We filter out states that have too small number of loans(less than 1000):
tmp = data_train %>% filter(loan_status=="Default") %>% group_by(addr_state) %>% summarise(default_count = n())
tmp2 = data_train %>% group_by(addr_state) %>% summarise(count = n())
tmp3 = tmp2 %>% left_join(tmp) %>% mutate(default_rate = default_count/count)
> tmp3
# A tibble: 50 x 4
addr_state count default_count default_rate
1 AK 112 42 0.375
2 AL 557 194 0.348
3 AR 315 122 0.387
4 AZ 1090 316 0.290
5 CA 6173 1837 0.298
6 CO 952 222 0.233
7 CT 563 147 0.261
8 DC 86 14 0.163
9 DE 118 31 0.263
10 FL 3014 933 0.310
# ... with 40 more rows
Order States by Default Rate
We can order states by default rate to identify states with highest and lowest default rates.
#order by highest default rate
high_default = (tmp3 %>% filter(count > 1000) %>% arrange(desc(default_rate)))[1:10,"addr_state"]$addr_state
[1] "NY" "PA" "NJ" "OH" "FL" "IL" "NC" "MI" "TX" "CA"
# order by lowest default rate
low_default = (tmp3 %>% filter(count > 1000) %>% arrange((default_rate)))[1:10,"addr_state"]$addr_state
> low_default
[1] "CO" "GA" "VA" "AZ" "CA" "TX" "MI" "NC" "IL" "FL"
We then create binary variable for 5 highest states and 5 lowest states discard the rest.
data_train$is_ny = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="NY",1,0)
data_train$is_pa = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="PA",1,0)
data_train$is_nj = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="NJ",1,0)
data_train$is_oh = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="OH",1,0)
data_train$is_fl = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="FL",1,0)
data_train$is_co = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="CO",1,0)
data_train$is_ga = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="GA",1,0)
data_train$is_va = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="VA",1,0)
data_train$is_az = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="AZ",1,0)
data_train$is_ca = ifelse(data_train$addr_state=="CA",1,0)
data_train$addr_state = NULL
rm(tmp, tmp2, tmp3, high_default, low_default)
Remove Correlated Features
We will investigate if there are any correlation among features.
We found some features are quite correlated, we can remove correlated features with findCorrelation function. The function will find all correlated pairs that have correlation exceed a specified threshold and try to remove one of them in such a way that overall correlation is reduced.
> high_corr <- findCorrelation(cor(data_train[getNumericColumns(data_train)]), cutoff = .75)
> high_corr = getNumericColumns(data_train)[high_corr]
> high_corr
[1] "open_acc" "num_sats" "total_acc"
[4] "acc_open_past_24mths" "num_op_rev_tl" "num_rev_accts"
[7] "num_bc_sats" "num_tl_op_past_12m" "total_rev_hi_lim"
[10] "total_bc_limit" "total_bal_ex_mort" "num_actv_rev_tl"
[13] "num_rev_tl_bal_gt_0" "open_rv_24m" "tot_hi_cred_lim"
[16] "tot_cur_bal" "total_il_high_credit_limit" "open_il_24m"
[19] "int_rate" "mo_sin_old_rev_tl_op" "bc_util"
data_train = (data_train[,!(names(data_train) %in% high_corr)])
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