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- Introduction to Auditing
- Players in the Audit Industry
- Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) - Overview
- Auditing Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct
- Understanding the Independent Auditors' Report
- Auditor's Report with Reservations
- The Auditing Process
- Auditing: Management Assertions
- The Audit Evidence
- Audit Risk Models
- Auditing: Assessing Inherent Risk
- Auditing: The Concept of Materiality
- Auditing: Client Risk Profile
- How Auditors Document Their Work?
- Internal Controls in a Company
- COSO - Integrated Internal Control Framework
- Assessing Control Risk
- Testing Internal Controls
- Auditing Issues in Small Businesses
- Auditing Planning Approach
- Audit Programs
- Auditing the Sales Cycle
- Substantive Audit Procedures
Testing Internal Controls
If the auditor assesses control risk at less than maximum, then he needs to perform tests of control to support that reliance.
In this lecture , we will continue our discussion of how an auditor justifies their reliance on internal controls by testing them.
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