Three Best Credit Cards For People With No Credit
Credit cards are an essential part of life and needed for almost every transaction including buying from stores, paying for hotel bills, food in restaurants and many more. A lot of people prefer carrying their credit cards as opposed to physical cash.
Everyone can have a credit card and there are equally credit cards for people with no credit. This simply means that you can get a credit card with bad credit, though it will not be like the cards that are usually advertised with rich rewards or exclusive bonuses. It will be a fairly basic card and the entire idea is to use it to build or rebuild your credit, then move on to a better product.
The best credit cards for bad cards are usually secured cards and with these types of cards, a security deposit that protects the issuer is always made available in case the card is not paid for. Others prefer to go for unsecured cards for bad credit which does not usually require any deposit but they are quite costly and charge high fees which end up making it more expensive than the required deposit for a secured card.
Here are some of the three best credit cards for people with no credit.
Credit one bank visa credit card
Credit one bank offers a rewards rate of 1% on eligible purchases including groceries, and services like mobile phones, internet, cable, and satellite TV, terms apply. An annual fee of $0 - $99 is usually charged with a regular APR of 19.74% - 25.74% variable.
This credit card is good for anyone that is trying to build a credit history and users get to choose their due date and access to a free Experian credit score. Apart from that, there are also several card designs to choose from, though they're a fee that may be incurred its rewards rate is low as compared to that of discovering it secured card.
Discover It credit card
Discover It offers two types of reward rates for eligible users, first there is a 2% discount that is usually done at gas stations and restaurants automatically on up to $1,000 in collective purchases every quarter of the year and a 1% discount on other purchases. The annual fee stands at $0 and the Balance Transfer Intro APR is 10.99% for 6 months while the Regular APR 24.49% Variable.
Though the reward rates are good, one of the setbacks is that; users must put a refundable deposit down that typically matches their credit limit.
Indigo® Platinum MasterCard®
This credit card is best for no security deposit. And has a transaction fee for as low as 1% and the unknown charges are kept to a minimum. Even those who suffered from a previous bankruptcy can apply for one plus there is an offered pre-qualification, which aids in making the application process fast and easy. It also has a fixed regular APR of 24. 90% but its limitation is that there is an increasing annual charge and the first credit card limit may range from $225-$300.
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