Some Reflections about CFA Program

Despite economic crisis, people that intended to succeed in CFA Program have grown in 2011 compared to 2010.

In 2011, 209,945 people around the world wrote CFA exam. That means 5% more compared to 2010. Why are we living this process even though financial markets have behaved in a crazy way since the subprime mortgage collapse in 2008?. The answer is easy; many of us believe that the crisis is a new opportunity to do things better.

Majority of the people are related with asset management or risk management, but there are people of other discplines: lawyers, doctors, engineers, among others.

Where do people come from? A little percentage comes from Latin America (2,493) , but it represents a 75% more than the previous year anyway. The Asian-Pacific region has the most important weight with 60,416 susbcribers. EMEA region represents 22% of the total and Americans were 36% (52,131).

CFA Program is becoming more challenging year by year because it became the most important financial certificate around the world in last few years. You must study hard and be persistent when you enroll in the program. If you don't, you won't succeed.

As emerging markets become more important in the financial markets of the world, CFA Program in gaining prominence in those regions. Actually, in Latin American the Institute decided to open its first office in Buenos Aires, Argentina. That's a great advancement in order to gain market share between financial managers and investors from my point of view.

Good luck for everyone planning to write the exam!