Requirements for Energy Risk Professional (ERP Exam)

People looking for pursuing the ERP certification are expected to have relevant experience in the energy industry. They should also be familiar with at least one of the energy component commodities such as oil.

Once you are certified as an Energy Risk Professional, you will be able to use the ERP acronym after your name. To do so, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • You should attain a passing score in the ERP Exam
  • You should have active individual membership at GARP
  • You should be able to produce a minimum of two years professional full-time work experience in the area of financial or energy risk management. The experience could also be in other related field such as trading, portfolio management, academic or industry research, economics, auditing, risk consulting, risk technology, and/or physical energy fields like exploration, production, shipping, and processing.

There will also be continuing education requirements once you have attained the certification. Under the continuing education, you will be required to earn Continuing Education (CE) credits every year, in order to keep your certification active.

With respect to the two-year work experience, you will have 5-years time to furnish the proof of the work experience. If you are not able to submit the proof of work experience within 5 years, you will be required to re-appear for the ERP exam.

The ability to use “ERP” after your name acts as a proof of your dedication and professionalism towards the energy risk field.

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