New Online Course - Corporate Finance

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new course - Corporate Finance - to our library of courses for Finance Professionals.

Course: Corporate Finance

Learn the fundamentals of how corporations make their investing and financing decisions.

This course will teach you the fundamentals of how corporates make their investing and financing decisions.

We will begin by understanding the process of capital budgeting, i.e., the process by which the corporates make decisions about whether to invest in a long-term project or not. This involves understanding and calculating the cost of capital. A thorough assessment of expected and required rate of return for a project is required. We will also learn about the measures of leverage and their impact on a company’s earnings and financial ratios. We will look at both operating leverage and financial leverage. Next we will look at the various ways in which a corporation distributes its earnings to shareholders such as dividends and share repurchases. Finally, we will study the short-term sources of liquidity for a corporation and how they manage their working capital requirements.

The objective of this course is to teach you how to speak the language of corporate finance. More specifically you will learn about:

  • Capital Budgeting
  • Cost of Capital
  • Measure of Leverage
  • Dividends and Share Repurchases
  • Working Capital Management
  • Corporate Governance

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If you have a monthly or yearly subscription for Finance Train, you will already have access to this course in your course bundle. If not, then you can purchase this course independently for a price of $19 or you can take our monthly subscription that gives you access to all our courses.

The Finance Train's Financial Data Scientist program is designed to be a monthly subscription program where new courses are added every week to help you keep yourself up-to-date with the latest in financial data science. The courses focus on teaching programming languages such as R and Python. Along with this it also includes courses covering concepts in quantitative methods and various finance topics. All the tutorial examples, data sets used, and projects are focused on application of data science in the finance field.

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