New Book - Quantitative Trading Strategies with R

We are pleased to announce the addition of a new ebook - Quantitative Trading Strategies with R - to our growing library of books on Data Science for Finance Professionals.
Book: Quantitative Trading Strategies with R
A step-by-step approach to building solid quantitative trading strategies using R
Quantitative and algorithmic trading now accounts for over one-third of all trading across financial markets in the world. This course is created with the objective of teaching retail traders and professional quants traders about how to build and execute their own quantitative trading strategies. The primary focus of this course is on understanding the process of designing a successful trading strategy and learning to use R for statistical modeling and analysis of financial data, building a trading strategy, and then backtesting and risk management of the trading strategy.
You will learn about how to set up a strategy using the R 'quantstrat' package. The book provides complete working and setup of the strategy using 'quantstrat', including identifying and setting up indicators, creating signals based on these indicators, outlining the trading rules, and backtesting and risk management of the strategy.