Handbook on Securities Statistics

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) together have created a Handbook on Securities Statistics. The aim of the Handbook is to assist national and international agencies in the production of relevant, coherent and internationally comparable securities statistics for use in monetary policy formulation and financial stability analysis.

The Handbook is the first publication of its kind dealing exclusively with the conceptual framework for the compilation and presentation of securities statistics. The objective of the Handbook is to improve information on securities markets. The Handbook develops a conceptual framework for the presentation of statistics on different types of securities

The handbook is divided into three parts.

Part 1 of the Handbook covers the conceptual framework for position and flow statistics on debt securities issues.

Part 2 of the Handbook on Securities Statistics covers the conceptual framework for position and flow statistics on debt securities holdings.

Part 3 of the Handbook deals with positions, flows and income for equity securities.


The three parts of the handbook can be downloaded from the links below:

Download Part 1: Debt Security Issues

Download Part 2: Debt Securities Holdings

Download Part 3: Equity Securities

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