Get Yahoo Finance Stock Quotes in Excel

This excel sheet is designed to help you get Yahoo Finance Stock Quotes in Excel, i.e., to import the stock data from Yahoo Finance into the excel sheet for any stock.

Almost all finance and stock professionals make use of excel sheets to keep track of their portfolios. This makes it very important that we can get the historical stock quotes directly within our excel sheets so that our portfolio stats is always up-to-date. This can be easily done by using the Yahoo Finance API to pull this data directly into the excel sheet.

Yahoo Finance API is the most popular source for getting the stock market data and since many investors use Excel to track their stock portfolios, it is common for investors to be able to get the Yahoo Finance Stock Quotes in Excel. We created this spreadsheet to get Yahoo Finance Stock Quotes in Excel for investors and traders to easily implement this and use this for their excel portfolios.

In the input sheet, enter the stock symbol for which you want the stock data, and click the button “Import Stock Data”. You can also specify the period for which you want to import the historical stock quotes.

The results will be displayed in the “Data” sheet. Currently the following data is imported: Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Adj Close.

Using this excel spreadsheet, you can get the stock quotes data for any stock for any time period into your spreadsheet. Once the data is imported, you can use it within your portfolio.

This spreadsheet doesn't work anymore because of the problems with the Yahoo FInance API.

A new excel add-in for stock quotes in excel

MarketXLS Excel Addin implements Yahoo Finance API and other premium stock quotes data in your Excel workbooks and exposes 100+ new functions in Stock Quotes category for you to be able to download live Stock information right in your Excel Workbooks. It's a complete software that helps you get everything you need for your stock research and portfolio management right in excel.

While Yahoo stock quote API is great and provides good-enough delayed stock quotes for investors, it doesn't cut it for professional investors who complain about accuracy of the data. For example, they have problems with their historical data, and other data such as dividend payouts. MarketXLS on the other hand makes use of premium, more reliable data which is provided almost real-time to investors.

Checkout the stock quotes in excel add-in.

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