FRM Exam Study Plan in Excel

FRM is a difficult exam with a huge list of readings prescribed by GARP. FRM Part 1 alone has 52 readings for teh current syllabus. Along with a job and With limited time to study it is important that you keep track of your studies and have a study plan to ensure that you finish before time and cover all the readings with enough time spent on each of them.

As an additional tool to help you in your FRM exam preparation we have developed a FRM Study Plan in Excel (For Part 1) and we hope that you will find this equally useful.

For anyone who wants to study in a planned way needs a study plan but it should be just enough to help you keep track of your progress and provides you some key statistics to let you know where you stand and how much speed you need.

Our FRM Study Plan (in Excel) does just this. It helps you track your progress and provides you key statistics that you need to know all the time. You can keep track of which readings you’ve completed, which ones are in progress, and what you’ve not touched at all. You can also set target hours you want to spend on your exam preparation and as time passes track how much time you need to allocate to avoid being over-burdened as the exam approaches.

So, go ahead and download your copy now.

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