CFA® Exam Tips: Checklist of Items and Intangible To Dos

Checklist of Items to Have Several Days before the Exam Day

  • Several days before the exam, you must have/know the following
    • An approved calculator that works.
    • Your exam admission ticket.
    • Several sharpened pencils of the approved specification.
    • Clean erasers. You do not want to create a big grey mess when erasing an answer on the bubble sheet.
    • A passport for identification.
    • Know the location of your test center.
    • Practice your transit route before test day and have a backup route (exam morning is not a good time to get lost).
    • Bring a sweater or sweatshirt; if the test room is cold you do not want to be distracted by the discomfort.
  • Do not wait for the day before the test to complete this checklist. Get these items lined up well before exam day.

Some Intangible “To Dos”

These are just some suggestions to maybe make life a little easier with a few days to go before the exam:

  • Avoid sick people. You need to be healthy on exam day.
  • Keep a boring diet.
    • Two days before the test is not a good time to try exotic new food. Eat safe foods that are not likely to cause any health problems.
  • Stick to positive, motivating entertainment.
    • Listen to songs that motivate you and have high energy.
    • Watch movies or shows that you find inspiring.
  • Avoid partying.
    • The night after you finish the exam is a great time to cut loose; hold off on any big social plans until after the test is done.
  • Visualize yourself passing the test.
    • Positive thinking is a powerful thing. In order to pass the test, you must believe!

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