Bloomberg Visual Guide to Candlestick Charting

The Bloomberg Visual Guide to Candlestick charting by Michael. C. Thomsett is part of the Bloomberg visual series. The Bloomberg visual series aims at presenting financial and trading topics comprehensively, without confounding.

The Bloomberg Visual Guide to Candlestick, in the tradition of the Bloomberg Visual series aims to do this with step-by-step tutorials, plenty of do-it-yourself exercises and a summary of key points.

All relevant points regarding candlestick charting are part of this book. They include types f charts, history of candlesticks, the attributes of candlesticks, pitfalls of candlesticks, confirmation, six types of candlesticks, candlestick entries(alphabetic) and non- candlestick confirmation.

The book contains alphabetical explanations of over 200 candlestick and related terms and includes daily charts of 50 companies, and six-month charts for comparative explanations of candlesticks with Western-style technical indicators.

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