4 Helpful Tips You Need for Writing a Financial Proposal

Do you want to learn how you should write a financial proposal? If the answer is yes, you should check out these helpful tips.

Close up of businessman or accountant hand holding pen working on calculator to calculate business data, accountancy document and laptop computer at office, business concept

As an entrepreneur, writing proposals and making presentations is a part of your job.

One of the most common proposals you’ll write is a financial proposal. This is a document that fleshes out your financial plans and projections and is mostly used to secure funding from potential investors.

However, if you’ve never written a financial proposal before, you might not know how to go about it. You could take the easier path and hire a proposal writing expert to do the job for you, but why pay when you can do it yourself?

Continue reading for the basics tips you need to write a solid financial proposal.

1. Use the Best Digital Tools

Today’s technology makes it easier to for anyone to write a financial proposal. This is why you must start the task by finding the best proposal templates.

Now, you’ll come across hundreds of templates online, each with its own pros and cons. Reading user reviews will give you a clearer picture of what to expect with a certain tool before you start using it.

2. Craft a Clear Overview

An overview sets the context for the financial proposal. It tells the reader about your organization.

In brief, flesh out what it does, your goals, problems you’re facing, and how you plan to solve these problems.

Other details to include in the overview are:

  • Industry overview
  • Management structure and personnel
  • Ownership information.

Think of the overview as your chance to make a strong first impression. If it doesn’t grab a reader’s attention, it’s unlikely they will go through the entire document.

3. Focus on the “Need”

You’re writing a financial proposal to secure funding, be it from a bank, private investor, venture capital firm, or government agency.

Nobody is going to give you money if they don’t have a clear understanding of why you need it in the first place. As such, the next step is to focus on the “need.”

Let’s say you need the money to set up a domestic manufacturing facility so you can stop relying on overseas manufacturers.

In this case, you must state why it’s necessary and/or beneficial for the company to take this step. Maybe high import tariffs are hurting your revenues or a domestic facility will enable you to ensure better quality control.

Either way, your “need” must convince your target audience that it’s indeed worth it. They have to resonate with your situation.

4. Dive Into the Numbers

This is where you lay out the amount of money the organization needs for the project. You must also break down how you’ll use the funds, the expected returns, and cushions against financial loss.

Your financial math should be clear, which means it’s essential to hire an accountant to help you work out the numbers.

Write a Solid Financial Proposal

Writing a financial proposal can seem like a daunting task if you don’t have the expertise. With this guide, though, you now know the basics. Keep learning and soon enough you’ll write a solid proposal.

Stay tuned to our blog for more handy tips and insights.