Accounting & Financial Reporting

Course ImageIntroduction to Financial Statement Analysis

In this reading, we will learn the following: - Role of Financial Reporting - Key Financial Sta...

Course ImageUnderstanding Income Statements

This reading introduces the readers to income statements, one of the three major financial statement...

Course ImageUnderstanding Balance Sheets

This reading introduces the readers to balance sheets, one of the three major financial statements. ...

Course ImageUnderstanding Cash Flow Statements

This reading introduces the readers to cash flow statements, one of the three major financial statem...

Course ImageFinancial Analysis Techniques

In this reading we will learn about how an analyst can use the financial reports to perform detailed...

Course ImageInventory Analysis

In this course, we will discuss the various methods for valuing inventory, namely, LIFO, FIFO and we...

Course ImageLong-lived Assets

Long-lived assets refer to the long term assets that include property, plant and equipment (PPE), na...

Course ImageAccounting for Income Taxes

A company’s accounting policies (such as depreciation choices, and valuation of assets) can cause di...

Course ImageNon-Current Long Term Liabilities

Non-current liabilities affect a company’s liquidity and solvency and have consequences for its long...

Course ImageFinancial Statement Analysis: Applications

Till now we learned about the various tools and financial reporting techniques an analyst can use fo...

Course ImageAccounting Skills for Managers

In this online course on Accounting Skills for Managers, you will learn one of the most important sk...

Course ImageFinancial Reporting Standards

In this reading, we will learn the following: - Objectives of financial statements - Importance...

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