Getting Started with R Programming

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Learn the fundamentals of R programming language and how to start using it for finance.​

In this course you will learn the fundamentals of R programming language and how to start using it for finance.

R is one of the leading programming languages used in the financial industry where professionals have applied and used R in various areas such as analyzing financial data, building and evaluate statistical models, constructing optimized portfolios, credit risk modelling and more. R has become a tool of choice for financial professionals in their everyday data analysis needs. As the importance of analytics and data science continues to grow in the financial sector, every finance professional will boost their career by having R programming skills in their arsenal.

In this course, we will start with the basics of R programming starting with how to setup the tools to work with r programming. Then we will learn the basic concepts in R programming, starting from variables and basic operations, and then moving on to handling data structures such as vectors, matrices, data frames and lists.

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